Our Missionaries

Mark and Faye Griffiths

Mark and Faye Griffiths

Mark and Faye are currently serving in Niger, Africa. Mark is a medical doctor and he and his wife Faye serve through SIM – an interdenominational mission organisation. They have a son (Josh) and daughter (Amy) living in New Zealand

Eleanor Rich

Eleanor Rich

Eleanor is currently serving with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Ships Kona, Hawaii. The Ships’ ministry exists to reach the remote, isolated and needy people in the Pacific rim where planes are unable to land. Eleanor leads one of the largest DTS’s at the Ships base, training up leaders and staff to disciple students from all walks of life.

Eleanor loves spending time discipling young people, teaching, and walking with them through all manner of life’s challenges.
Mila and Hernani Resueno

Mila and Hernani Resueno

Mila and Hernani are Pastors of a church in Panabo, the Philippines. In addition, they head up the Strength in the Valley Foundation. This includes a centre teaching and feeding children from poor families. They also run livelihood programmes and in the aftermath of natural disasters, they help by bringing aid to affected people. A further area of ministry through the Foundation is a spiritual enhancement programme for pastors, particularly those in remote areas.

Mark and Jane Banyard

Mark and Jane Banyard

Serving under the banner of Kingdom Advance Ministries, they have been equipping believers to carry God’s presence to the nations since 1995. They are currently based in Canada serving churches in other nations via the internet, but have spent time living and ministering in a number of other countries. Mark is the author of two books.

Martyn and Wendy

Martyn and Wendy work as international consultants for WEC . They travel widely when they can, speaking at conferences, offering advice often over zoom and skype helping ensure missionaries are cared for and supported in their roles throughout the world.

Barry Cleland

Barry – serving in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently back in New Zealand helping with some projects at Gateways. He’s the father of our very own Nick Cleland and Rebekah Palfreyman.